Movement Pills 2.0

Welcome to the Movement Pills project, a collaborative initiative aimed at promoting physical activity for psychophysical, and social wellbeing and combating sedentary lifestyles. Here, you'll find updates, resources, and tools to support our mission of empowering communities toward healthier living.

The Project

The project in line with HEPA guidelines, WHO European strategies and the Global Action Plan of Physical Activity, aims to address physical inactivity and promote healthy lifestyles by implementing the Movement Pills methodology implemented in Italy by UISP.

Led by a consortium of organizations across Europe, the project involves creating an IT environment, networking, knowledge transfer, methodology implementation, and advocacy/dissemination.

Key activities include developing online platforms, conducting capacity-building programs, testing the methodology in various countries, and engaging policymakers at different levels (local, National) and different kinds (public, private) Through these efforts, the project seeks to enable widespread adoption and adaptation of the methodology, empower individuals to lead active lives, and foster collaboration between the sport and public health sectors.


  • Develop and disseminate a common EU-wide methodology to fight sedentary promoting physical activity and active lifestyles, emphasizing the benefit deriving from the link between sport and physical health as well as the social wellness of European citizens.
  • Utilize pharmacies and health care facilities as a chain of engagement to counteract health risks associated with physical inactivity.
  • Develop an online platform as a container for testing and replicating the Movement Pills methodology.
  • Expand the network of players willing to adopt or promote the methodology in various contexts and countries.
  • Test and encode the Movement Pills methodology in different countries through experimentation.
  • Promote the methodology among policymakers, public health, sports sectors, and disadvantaged groups as a way to spread awareness on sedentary consequences and cost on health.


Explore our range of free-of-access resources designed to support individuals, communities, and organizations in promoting physical activity and healthy living.

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."